Abstract Submission

1、The deadline of abstract submission is 10 September, 2018

2、Abstracts must be submitted online. Please follow the rules and guidelines before submitting your abstract.

3、Please click here to submit abstract (please register at HuiTong CIS and then login).

4、Note: After logining Huitong CIS, please transfer to english page(the top right corner EN ) , and then click "conference list" to find LIMIS 2018. 登录汇同会议系统后,请点击页面右上角的EN切换至英文页面,在“conference list”找到LIMIS 2018开始摘要投稿。

5、Abstract submission will be notified of acceptance or rejection by e-mail by 24 July, 2018.

6、To ensure a high-quality conference, only papers that present new original research and are written well in clear English will be accepted. All abstracts and manuscripts will be reviewed by the Program Committee.

7、The length of the extended abstract should contain approximately 250 words. 


After you received the invitation letter, please prepare the oral or poster presentations.

 Oral Preparation

Time of an oral talk will be 15 min, includingQ & A. For all oral speakers, please arrive the session room 30 min before your talk to upload and check the PPT.

The conference staff will contact the winner of Best Oral Award, There will be cash rewards.

Poster Preparation

Authors are required to stand by their postersduring the poster session for discussion. Please make sure to print your mobile tel. and email in the poster.

The conference staff will contact the winner of Best Poster Award, whichwill be selected on-site the poster session,There will be cash rewards.


Poster board size: 0.95 m (length) * 2.47 m(height), recommended poster size: 0.8m * 1.2 m

Set-up time: 

Poster presenters areresponsible to remove their poster, the conference staff will not collect the posters left at the end of the poster session. 



Submit Manuscript Now!

Conditions of Acceptance:

1. An author or coauthor will:

1) Register at the author registration rate.
2) Attend the meeting.
3) Make the presentation as scheduled in the program.
4) The presentation and submission must be substantive reports of significant original research with clear English.
5) Abstract and manuscript submissions are both required.

2. Manuscript Submissions (Published in Proceedings)

Download the Manuscript Template: Word FormatPDF Format

Manuscript Submission Deadline: 10 November, 2018

Please submit the manuscript to SPIE Submission System after receiving the Notification of Abstract Acceptance.
• Please be aware of the following before you begin to upload:

1) No less than 5-page.
2) Preferred file format is Microsoft Word or Postscript.
3) PDF format is also acceptable.
4) File types: .docx, .doc, .rtf, .ps, .prn, .pdf
 for formatting information.

• Please note that the manuscript might be rejected by SPIE if

- The manuscript is not in adherence with SPIE format specifications or does not reach SPIE on time. (SPIE will contact authors whose manuscripts have formatting problems. The authors shall be responsible for correcting any problems and submitting revisions in a timely manner.)
- The manuscript with too high similarity according to Crossref Similarity Check.
- Any no-show paper will not be published or indexed.

* Your paper will only be published and indexed if you submit the manuscript to SPIE Submission System. You can only submit an abstract to Huitong CIS for academic communication.
* 若文章不需要收录及检索,作者可以仅将摘要投至汇同会议系统作参会交流;若需要会议文集收录及检索,作者需将摘要投至汇同会议系统后,通过审稿再将全文投至SPIE的投稿系统。

State Key Laboratory of Laser Interaction with Matter
National University of Defense Technology
Chinese Laser Press
Xi'an Society of Laser and Infrared
Shannxi Province Physical Society
State Key Laboratory of Laser Propulsion and Application, Space Engineering University
Northwest Institute of Nuclear Technology
Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, CAS
Supported By
Nanjing University of Science and Technology